Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The One Who Stood Alone

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for this important announcement.

“I’m sure by now that most of you know who I am. My name is Rosie Lawrence. I’m the woman with the rumors. Though I didn’t contribute to those rumors personally, I would like to reach out to the woman who did.”

Camera crews and news vans crowded the parking lot at the station. Microphones from every news channel in a 50 mile radius lined the top of a podium where rumor was the key suspect in a bizarre break-in would be announced.

“Her name is Jane. She has a thing for sunflowers and brown hair dye. In her spare time she enjoys planning ways to steal my identity, a process which begins with breaking in to my house and stealing my clothes. If you wanted to borrow my wardrobe Jane, all you had to do was ask. I thought any sibling of mine would at least have manners.”

The press was starting to stir and the lights were getting hot.

“You see, Jane is my twin sister and up until a few days ago, I didn’t know she existed. But the cunning woman she is, she knew a long time ago. And from what’s been going on the past few weeks, I’m bold enough to gather that I had the better childhood. After all, I’m the lucky one who spent her childhood growing up with her biological parents.

“She’s the reason my car sits abandoned in front of a skeleton of my house. She’s the reason two police officers are still missing. She’s the reason people think I’m crazy. And I have to give her some credit because for a half second, I actually thought I might be. My favorite memory of this whole ordeal was when she snuck into Carter’s house and kept moving the dishes I’d put in the sink back to the stove. That was hilarious.”

Rosie’s sarcastic tone and awkward chuckling kept the parking lot audience silent.

“She’s played a great game, Jane has. People were starting rumors and despite my honest track record in this town, the rumors ruined me. Congratulations, sis. You wanted my identity and now you can have it. But with this victory of yours comes a little reward for me.

“I don’t want to get to know you, Jane. I don’t want anything to do with you. But you had wanted something to do with me. And I know why. I know what you did Jane. I know why you wanted to be me. So here’s where we play my game. We make a deal. You know what you did and if you don’t want people to know what it was, you meet me tomorrow. If you don’t meet me then your world starts to burn.

“Don’t think about leaving town Jane. You can’t. We’re all out looking for you.”

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.